MONOLITHOS Team Secondments: Advancing the CHemPGM Project

🌟 MONOLITHOS Team Secondments: Advancing the CHemPGM Project! 🌟

We are thrilled to share the latest progress in the CHem PGM project, which aims to provide deep insights into the chemistry and mechanisms involved in the exploitation of Platinum Group Metals (PGMs) from secondary materials. ♻️ This ambitious project, funded under H2020-MSCA-RISE-2020, seeks to improve and secure the PGMs value chain while promoting extensive knowledge exchange. MONOLITHOS is proud to serve as the coordinator!

We are especially proud of the significant contributions made so far this year by our dedicated team members through their secondments to prestigious institutions and universities. Their research tasks include:

👩‍🔬 Dr. Olga Thoda seconded to 📍 GeMMe@ULiege team at the University of Liège, working on cementation tests for PGM recovery from leachate solutions.
👨‍🔬 Dr. Efstratios (Stratis) Svinterikos seconded to 📍 ENEA, developing porous particles based on ceria for use as catalytic substrates.
👨‍🔬 Dr. Christos Papadopoulos seconded to 📍 Institute of Catalysis Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, testing advanced Pt based catalysts for CO oxidation.
👩‍🔬 Dr. Eirini Fotopoulou seconded to 📍 GeMMe@ULiege team at the University of Liège, conducting ultrasound leaching and cementation tests.

These secondments have facilitated immense knowledge sharing, collaboration, and scientific growth. Our team has exchanged ideas, contributed their expertise and gained valuable experience that will undoubtedly enhance our work and help achieve the CHem PGM Project goals. 🧪

🙏 A heartfelt thank you to our project officer, Mr. Sotirios Kiokias, for his continuous support and guidance. And to all our partners, keep up the great work!

Find out more about the project here 👉

ChemPgm Consortium: LOMARTOV SL, GeMMe@ULiege (University of Liège), University of Cape Town, ENEA, Monolithos Catalysts & Recycling Ltd., Institute of Catalysis Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, YS Cypriot Catalysts Ltd.

#CHemPGM #PlatinumGroupMetals #ScientificResearch #KnowledgeExchange #Innovation #Sustainability #Collaboration