The Head of our R&I Department Dr. Anastasia Moschovi is amongst the 3 finalists for the European Award “Women in Energy” of European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW)

At MONOLITHOS we are extremely proud that the Head of our R&I Department Dr. Anastasia Moschovi is amongst the 3 finalists for the European Award “Women in Energy” of European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW).

Anastasia transformed the one woman show of MONOLITHOS R&I Department (since she was the 1st recruitment of the Department on 2017) to a 15 people highly competitive team consisting of young researchers, in less than 6 years.

Since 2017, she gave birth to 2 boys (twins) making her a working mother of 3, combining a high level managerial position with growing her family.

Vote for her to be announced as the 2023 “Woman in Energy” at the following link: