Recycling of Platinum Group Metals from Energy Storage Devices: A techno-economical business plan analysis

Recycling of Platinum Group Metals from Energy Storage Devices: A techno-economical business plan analysis

MONOLITHOS’ successful cooperation with MNLT Innovations PC has resulted the first joint scientific publication entitled: “Recycling of Platinum Group Metals from Energy Storage Devices: A techno-economical business plan analysis”.

The expandable PEM research cell along with 5 additional cells

The expandable PEM research cell along with 5 additional cells

Dr. Eirini Zagoraiou (Monolithos’ principal investigator for electrochemistry applications) is featuring our newest equipment addition: “The expandable PEM research cell (50cm² active area) along with 5 additional cells (300cm² total active area)”. The acquired equipment is providing us a technological advantage for testing our electrocatalysts in small (single cell) and pilot (up to 30 cells) applications:

Critical metals’ recovery and recycling for a clean and sustainable energy future

Critical metals’ recovery and recycling for a clean and sustainable energy future

MONOLITHOS’ Head of Research & Innovation Department Dr. Anastasia Moschovi has been invited (Honorary Contribution) to address the “Critical metals’ recovery and recycling for a clean and sustainable energy future” Open Workshop of the University of Stavanger (Norway).