Critical metals’ recovery and recycling for a clean and sustainable energy future

MONOLITHOS’ Head of Research & Innovation Department Dr. Anastasia Moschovi has been invited (Honorary Contribution) to address the “Critical metals’ recovery and recycling for a clean and sustainable energy future” Open Workshop of the University of Stavanger (Norway).

Stay tuned to know more about MONOLITHOS’ awarded Hydrometallurgical Technology for recovering Critical Raw Materials (Platinum Group Metals from Automotive Catalysts and Fuel Cells/Electrolyzers, Rare Earths from Permanent Magnets -Electric Motors- and Cobalt from Batteries).

The workshop will be held at the University of Stavanger campus on 30th of June and can be attended personally or remotely through Zoom. Link to the event will be sent to all the registered participants.

Please register here:

We wish to thank Prof. Sachin Chavan for the kind invitation.