3D BRIEFCASE Project Description

3D BRIEFCASE is an evolution of the Briefcase initiative, aiming to broaden its scope and reach by enhancing the innovative popular science tool, transforming the virtual briefcase into a 3D application using augmented reality technology. This project aims to bring mineral resources and mining closer to society at large, with the ultimate goal of educating citizens, including students, from an early age. Additionally, it aims to shed light on how our daily purchasing decisions impact the social environment of people living in regions where mineral resources are exploited. (Funded by the EIT RawMaterials under the Grant Agreement 19010).

MONOLITHOS participation role

Within the 3D Briefcase project, besides developing the initial briefcase, MONOLITHOS organized workshops aimed at disseminating the upgraded 3D tools, transitioning the virtual briefcase into an augmented reality 3D application. This technological transformation aimed to educate and enhance awareness among students. Dedicated to Wider Society Learning (WSL), MONOLITHOS focused on enriching students’ comprehension of mining activities and the practical applications of minerals. Through our efforts, we aimed to establish connections for students between Platinum Group Metals (PGMs), their contemporary applications, everyday utilities and the imperative role of recycling.
