CEBRA Project Description

The main project objective of CEBRA is to achieve the upscaling to TRL 7 of an innovative process through the construction and operation of a pilot plant capable of generating a Platinum Group Metals (PGM) mixed-metal active slurry as a transition medium leading to the production of Automotive Catalytic Converters (ACC) as the final product of the CEBRA PGM value chain. The optimization of feed material sourcing through improved recycling, blending and mechanical preparation is an integral part of the project. (Funded by the EIT RawMaterials under the Grant Agreement 19148).

MONOLITHOS participation role

MONOLITHOS, taking advantage of the extended network of workshop partners in Greece, was  responsible to provide to the project fully deactivated catalysts and filters (TWCs, DOCs and DPFs), after they have been removed from vehicles. Upon collection, catalysts and filters were sorted and preprocessed. MONOLITHOS used a pregnant leachate solution from DOC EoL catalyst that contained Pt and developed a Cu/Pt/CeZrO4 catalytic powder that was then deposited on cordierite monolithic honeycomb to produce a full scale automotive DOC catalyst.
