RELIFE Project Description

RELIFE aims to develop a lithium iron phosphate batteries (LFP) recycling plant for recovering lithium carbonate (3.6 ktn/year), iron phosphate (12.6 ktn/year), and graphite (9 ktn/year). The ReLiFe technology will decrease 90% CO2 emissions and 30% operation cost compared to the current recycling processes. Moreover, ReLiFe will supply 1.5% of the EU Li demand and cover SUNLIGHT raw material requirements for battery cell manufacturing. (Funded by the EIT RawMaterials under the Grant Agreement 22020).

MONOLITHOS participation role

MONOLITHOS will optimize the ReLiFe leaching and precipitation processes on a large scale using its premises-allocated equipment. Additionally, MONOLITHOS will participate in the design of the processes flowsheet for the pilot and industrial plant.
