VERA Project Description

VERA (Vehicle Emission Retrofit Activities) project aims at the reduction of environmental impact of transport sector. To this end, VERA activities address the requirements for improved air quality through the development, demonstration and optimisation of tailpipe retrofit solutions for road vehicles, as well as brake retrofit solutions for road vehicles and metro/rail applications, aiming at achieving the highest emission reduction, while ensuring adaptability and low cost for the developed systems. At the same time, the overall impacts of retrofitting will be assessed during the project, by better understanding the health impacts of air pollution from transport emissions and by cost/benefit analysis of retrofitting.

MONOLITHOS participation role

MONOLITHOS, as an SME with experience in the development of retrofitting systems to upgrade emission standards of vehicles (LDVs and HDVs) is responsible for the development of the innovative, cost affordable tailpipe retrofit systems for LDV applications (a CNG passenger car and a gasoline Light Commercial Van), both in small-scale and, after evaluation, also in full-scale. MONOLITHOS will also support the initial market screening and the gap analysis on tailpipe retrofit systems.
