
Life Cycle Assessment of Rare Earth Elements-Free Permanent Magnet Alternatives: Sintered Ferrite and Mn–Al–C
A. Amato, A. Becci, A. Bollero, M.M. Cerrillo-Gonzalez, S. Cuesta-Lopez, …

ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 11 (36), 13374-13386
High-Degree Oxidative Desulfurization of a Commercial Marine Fuel Using Deep Eutectic Solvents and Their Recycling Process
O. Thoda, E. Svinterikos, K.M. Sakkas, A.M. Moschovi, I. Yakoumis

Separations 10 (8), 445
Highly Active under VIS Light M/TiO2 Photocatalysts Prepared by Single-Step Synthesis
O. Thoda, A.M. Moschovi, K.M. Sakkas, E. Polyzou, I. Yakoumis

Applied Sciences 13 (11), 6858
Platinum Group Metals: Green Recovery from Spent Auto-Catalysts and Reuse in New Catalysts—A Review
M.L. Grilli, A.E. Slobozeanu, C. Larosa, D. Paneva, I. Yakoumis, …

Crystals 13 (4), 550
Innovative technologies for the recovery of platinum group metals from catalysts–a case study of selected projects
N. Generowicz, A. Nowaczek, L. Jurkowski, I. Yakoumis

Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi-Mineral Resources Management, 71-86-71-86
High Catalytic Efficiency of a Nanosized Copper-Based Catalyst for Automotives: A Physicochemical Characterization
A. Soto Beobide, A.M. Moschovi, G.N. Mathioudakis, M. Kourtelesis, Z.G. Lada, …

Molecules 27 (21), 7402
Preprocessing and Leaching Methods for Extraction of REE from Permanent Magnets: A Scoping Review
S. Papagianni, A.M. Moschovi, K.M. Sakkas, M. Chalaris, I. Yakoumis

AppliedChem 2 (4), 14
Selected Techniques for Cutting SOx Emissions in Maritime Industry
C. Papadopoulos, M. Kourtelesis, A.M. Moschovi, K.M. Sakkas, I. Yakoumis

Technologies 10 (5), 99
Substitution and Recycling of Critical Raw Materials in Optoelectronic, Magnetic and Energy Devices III
D. Salazar, I. Yakoumis

ML Grilliphysica status solidi (a) 219 (15), 2200259
Recycling of platinum group metals from energy storage devices: a techno-economical business plan analysis
S. Spathariotis, K.M. Sakkas, E. Polyzou, I. Yakoumis

Open Research Europe 2, 92
DES-Based Solution for Regenerating Diesel Particulate Filters of Euro V/VI Diesel Vehicles
H. Papadopoulou, S. Papagianni, A.M. Moschovi, K.M. Sakkas, I. Yakoumis

Materials Proceedings 5 (1), 107
Platinum Recovered from Automotive Heavy-Duty Diesel Engine Exhaust Systems in Hydrometallurgical Operation
S. Papagianni, A.M. Moschovi, E. Polyzou, I. Yakoumis

Metals 12 (1), 31
First of its kind automotive catalyst prepared by recycled pgms-catalytic performance
A.M. Moschovi, M. Giuliano, M. Kourtelesis, G. Nicol, E. Polyzou, F. Parussa, …

Catalysts 11 (8), 942
Recovery of platinum group metals from spent automotive catalysts: A review
I. Yakoumis, M. Panou, A.M. Moschovi, D. Panias

Cleaner Engineering and Technology 3, 100112
PROMETHEUS: A Copper-Based Polymetallic Catalyst for Automotive Applications. Part II: Catalytic Efficiency an Endurance as Compared with Original Catalysts
I. Yakoumis, Ε. Polyzou, A.M. Moschovi

Materials 14 (9), 2226
Prometheus: A copper-based polymetallic catalyst for automotive applications. part i: Synthesis and characterization
I. Yakoumis

Materials 14 (3), 622
Recycling of Critical Raw Materials from Hydrogen Chemical Storage Stacks (PEMWE), Membrane Electrode Assemblies (MEA) and Electrocatalysts
A.M. Moschovi, E. Zagoraiou, E. Polyzou, I. Yakoumis

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1024 (1), 012008
Platinum Group Metals Recovery Using Secondary Raw Materials (PLATIRUS): project overview with a focus on processing spent autocatalyst: novel PGM recycling technologies ready …
G. Nicol, E. Goosey, D.Ş. Yıldız, E. Loving, V.T. Nguyen, S. Riaño, I. Yakoumis, …

Johnson Matthey Technology Review 65 (1), 127-147
Towards ammonia free retrofitting of heavy-duty vehicles to meet euro vi standards
I.I. Betsi-Argyropoulou, A.M. Moschovi, E. Polyzou, I. Yakoumis

Vehicle and Automotive Engineering 3: Proceedings of the 3rd VAE2020 …
Single-step hydrometallurgical method for the platinum group metals leaching from commercial spent automotive catalysts
I. Yakoumis, A. Moschovi, M. Panou, D. Panias

Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy 6, 259-268
Insights into carbon nanotubes and fullerenes in molten alkali carbonates
A. Gutiérrez, S. Garroni, S. Souentie, S. Cuesta-López, I. Yakoumis, …

The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123 (15), 9909-9918
Theoretical study on molten alkali carbonate interfaces
A. Gutiérrez, S. Garroni, S. Souentie, S. Cuesta-López, I. Yakoumis, …

Langmuir 34 (43), 13065-13076
An integrated circular economy model for decoupling Europe from Platinum Group Metals supply risk in the automotive sector
A. Moschovi, S. Souentie, I. Yakoumis, A. Siriwardana

2018 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering …
Real life experimental determination of platinum group metals content in automotive catalytic converters
I. Yakoumis, A.M. Moschovi, I. Giannopoulou, D. Panias

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 329, 012009
Tubular C/Cu decorated γ-alumina membranes for NO abatement
I. Yakoumis, G. Theodorakopoulos, S.K. Papageorgiou, G. Romanos, …

Journal of Membrane Science 515, 134-143
Behavior of platinum group metals during their pyrometallurgical recovery from spent automotive catalysts
G. Kolliopoulos, E. Balomenos, I. Giannopoulou, I. Yakoumis, D. Panias

Open Access Lib. J 1, 1-9