Three of the biggest newspapers of Greece presented, in their Sunday Edition, RELIFE project.

Three of the biggest newspapers of Greece (Πρώτο Θέμα, Βήμα and Καθημερινή) presented, in their Sunday Edition, RELIFE (Recycle Lithium Ferrophosfate) EIT RawMaterials project. Monolithos Catalysts & Recycling Ltd. is proud partner for two very specific reasons:

  1. Sunlight Group Energy Storage Systems is one of the most Innovative Greek Industrial Companies and they trusted MONOLITHOS upscaling capabilities for the pre-pilot plant.
  2. LFP Batteries recycling is a new sector for the company re-presenting a new secondary source for our recycling process in the era of electrification.

We thank EIT RawMaterials for funding the project.
We thank all project partners participating for the very good collaboration. Finally, we thank Sunlight Group Energy Storage Systems Communications team for the excellent dissemination for in the Greek wider public.